Intratympanic Steroid Injection — Explained Dr. Rajesh Bhardwaj #ear #nose #throat #intratympanicsteroidinjection


Intratympanic Steroid Injection

An intratympanic steroid injection is an operation/procedure in which a small amount of steroid is injected directly into the middle ear. It is done under Local Anaesthesia in a separate procedure room.

It is used in patients suffering with sudden onset hearing loss or severe vertigo, such as caused by Meniere’s disease or a sudden vestibular failure which has not responded to vestibular sedative medications or rehabilitation exercises.

Your specialist will have taken a detailed history and carried out a thorough examination, and on the basis of this will have decided that you are likely to benefit from an intratympanic steroid injection. The assessment will have included a full hearing test. This is important as it gives your specialist a clue as to which ear is affected, and indicates the amount of useful hearing left.

The procedure itself is straightforward and can be carried out either under local or general anaesthetic. The ear is numbed with a combination of local anaesthetic creams placed into the ear canal, and LA injections. The steroid medication is then gently injected into the middle ear through a fine needle. This can cause a feeling of fullness within the ear and a reduction of hearing whilst the ear fills with the steroid medication, but this is usually short-lived. Once the procedure is over, the operating table is usually tilted in a head-down position as this allows better absorption of the drug.

#IntratympanicSteroidInjection #ENTProcedure #MiddleEarHealth #SteroidTreatment #HearingLoss #VertigoTreatment #MenieresDisease #VestibularFailure #HealthcareProcedure #LocalAnaesthesia #EarHealth #ENTSpecialist #MedicalTreatment #HealthcareAdvancement #SteroidInjectionBenefits #HearingHealth #VertigoRelief #MedicalProcedure #HealthcareInnovation #PatientCare



Dr. (Major) RAJESH BHARDWAJ MS DNB, DLO, Professor
Dr. (Major) RAJESH BHARDWAJ MS DNB, DLO, Professor

Written by Dr. (Major) RAJESH BHARDWAJ MS DNB, DLO, Professor


MedFirst ENT Centre is an award winning Centre of Excellence for treating disorders of the Ear, Nose & Throat located in Vasant Vihar, New Delhi. #ENT #Vertigo

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